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Sample NCJOSI Police Exam
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Questions on this Test: 6
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Question 1

You are required to walk a victim through a local neighbourhood where she was followed by a stalker and physically assaulted. You need to note the directions of travel for court purposes. She advises that she was heading home from work and got off the bus at Steeles Avenue. She walked 2 blocks along Steeles before making a right onto Columbia Drive. She made a left onto Carling Crescent, walked about 10 meters and noticed the accused following her. She picked up her pace and made a right onto Rideau Street. As she was walking along Rideau the accused attempted to grab the victim. The victim fought back and escaped. She ran down Rideau before making a left onto Park Street heading north and making it home safely. The accused ran the opposite way down Park Street and was last seen by the victim making a left onto Rideau Street.

Which direction was the victim heading when she first noticed the accused?



