Try our sample Police Exams:
U.S. Police Exams
We have developed different practice police exams
for you to try. You will notice that each practice
police exam is timed and provides instant test results
and detailed solutions. At PolicePrep we are confident
that our online police exam training program will help
you pass the real test on your first attempt. Our
practice exams are designed to simulate real police
officer exams including the popular POST written exams.
Multistage Fitness Test or Beep Test
Many Police Services use the Beep Test to assess cardiovascular fitness. In this test, you run back and forth along a 20 metre track (usually in a Gym),
keeping up with a series of beeps on a cassette. The timing of the beeps gradually increases until you can no longer keep up and this defines the level achieved.
The link below will allow you to download a sample of the beep test: