PolicePrep offers a variety of products to serve you. Our full access options provide
the most value to you. You can take the
tests as often as you wish, within the purchased duration.
Full Access Programs Include:
30 WCT, 15 Video and 9 Written Behavioural Tests.
Content specific tests including math, problem solving, pattern solving, syllogisms
and more!
Complete scoring, answer keys, and detailed solution explanations.
Full access to all teaching material (math, grammar, spatial, etc.)
Full access to all preparation material (resume, interview, fitness).
Access for 1 year - Do the tests as often as you like!
Standardized test instructors and former police officers on hand to answer any questions
you may have through email, livechat or phone.
Mock Interview Program - $147
This is your chance to practice your interview skills with a former Police Recruitment
1 hour phone interview.
Practice answering meaningful interview questions.
Live feedback from recruitment experts.
Ontario Security Program
Over 80 video lessons and real world examples to help you become job ready and can be accessed any time 24/7. No need to login at a specific time.
Over 110 quiz questions, 300 practice test questions and assignments for each section to prepare you for your Ministry test.
Students may qualify to receive their Training Completion Number right after completion instead of waiting 2-3 days like other providers. Otherwise within 24 hours.
Direct access to the instructors via email, live chat and phone for any questions and recommendations for companies to apply for afterwards.